Add specific text or patterns to the page.
Importimport{ Watermark }from"antd"; |
Sourcecomponents/watermark |
Versionsupported since 5.1.0 |
When To Use
- Use when the page needs to be watermarked to identify the copyright.
- Suitable for preventing information theft.
Common props ref:Common props
This component is available since
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
width | The width of the watermark, the default value of content is its own width | number | 120 | |
height | The height of the watermark, the default value of content is its own height | number | 64 | |
inherit | Pass the watermark to the pop-up component such as Modal, Drawer | boolean | true | 5.11.0 |
rotate | When the watermark is drawn, the rotation Angle, unit ° | number | -22 | |
zIndex | The z-index of the appended watermark element | number | 9 | |
image | Image source, it is recommended to export 2x or 3x image, high priority (support base64 format) | string | - | |
content | Watermark text content | string | string[] | - | |
font | Text style | Font | Font | |
gap | The spacing between watermarks | [number, number] | [100, 100] | |
offset | The offset of the watermark from the upper left corner of the container. The default is gap/2 | [number, number] | [gap[0]/2, gap[1]/2] |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
color | font color | CanvasFillStrokeStyles.fillStyle | rgba(0,0,0,.15) | |
fontSize | font size | number | 16 | |
fontWeight | font weight | normal | light | weight | number | normal | |
fontFamily | font family | string | sans-serif | |
fontStyle | font style | none | normal | italic | oblique | normal | |
textAlign | specify the text alignment direction | CanvasTextAlign | center | 5.10.0 |
Design Token
Handle abnormal image watermarks
When using an image watermark and the image loads abnormally, you can add content
at the same time to prevent the watermark from becoming invalid (since 5.2.3).
<Watermarkheight={30}width={130}content="Ant Design"image="https://mdn.alipayobjects.com/huamei_7uahnr/afts/img/A*lkAoRbywo0oAAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original"><div style={{ height: 500 }} /></Watermark>
overflow: hidden
style is added since version 5.18.0?
Why User can hide the watermark by setting the container height to 0 through the developer tool in the previous version. To avoid this situation, we added the overflow: hidden
style to the container. When the container height changes, the content is also hidden. You can override the style to modify this behavior:
<Watermark style={{ overflow: 'visible' }} />