
Add specific text or patterns to the page.
Importimport{ Watermark }from"antd";
Versionsupported since 5.1.0

When To Use

  • Use when the page needs to be watermarked to identify the copyright.
  • Suitable for preventing information theft.


The most basic usage.

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Use content to set a string array to specify multi-line text watermark content.

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Specify the image address via image. To ensure that the image is high definition and not stretched, set the width and height, and upload at least twice the width and height of the logo image address.

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The light-speed iteration of the digital world makes products more complex. However, human consciousness and attention resources are limited. Facing this design contradiction, the pursuit of natural interaction will be the consistent direction of Ant Design.
Natural user cognition: According to cognitive psychology, about 80% of external information is obtained through visual channels. The most important visual elements in the interface design, including layout, colors, illustrations, icons, etc., should fully absorb the laws of nature, thereby reducing the user's cognitive cost and bringing authentic and smooth feelings. In some scenarios, opportunely adding other sensory channels such as hearing, touch can create a richer and more natural product experience.
Natural user behavior: In the interaction with the system, the designer should fully understand the relationship between users, system roles, and task objectives, and also contextually organize system functions and services. At the same time, a series of methods such as behavior analysis, artificial intelligence and sensors could be applied to assist users to make effective decisions and reduce extra operations of users, to save users' mental and physical resources and make human-computer interaction more natural.

Preview the watermark effect by configuring custom parameters.

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Use in Modal and Drawer.

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Common props ref:Common props

This component is available since antd@5.1.0.


widthThe width of the watermark, the default value of content is its own widthnumber120
heightThe height of the watermark, the default value of content is its own heightnumber64
inheritPass the watermark to the pop-up component such as Modal, Drawerbooleantrue5.11.0
rotateWhen the watermark is drawn, the rotation Angle, unit °number-22
zIndexThe z-index of the appended watermark elementnumber9
imageImage source, it is recommended to export 2x or 3x image, high priority (support base64 format)string-
contentWatermark text contentstring | string[]-
fontText styleFontFont
gapThe spacing between watermarks[number, number][100, 100]
offsetThe offset of the watermark from the upper left corner of the container. The default is gap/2[number, number][gap[0]/2, gap[1]/2]


colorfont colorCanvasFillStrokeStyles.fillStylergba(0,0,0,.15)
fontSizefont sizenumber16
fontWeightfont weightnormal | light | weight | numbernormal
fontFamilyfont familystringsans-serif
fontStylefont stylenone | normal | italic | obliquenormal
textAlignspecify the text alignment directionCanvasTextAligncenter5.10.0

Design Token


Handle abnormal image watermarks

When using an image watermark and the image loads abnormally, you can add content at the same time to prevent the watermark from becoming invalid (since 5.2.3).

content="Ant Design"
<div style={{ height: 500 }} />

Why overflow: hidden style is added since version 5.18.0?

User can hide the watermark by setting the container height to 0 through the developer tool in the previous version. To avoid this situation, we added the overflow: hidden style to the container. When the container height changes, the content is also hidden. You can override the style to modify this behavior:

<Watermark style={{ overflow: 'visible' }} />